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Writer's pictureC Farrow

The Magic in Nature

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Being aware of the power of natural ingredients and protecting our quality of life

Not to sound trite, but the war on nature is real and it is a continued struggle between the natural community and the pharmaceutical world. Discussions even heated debates regarding which is better, have gone on for decades.

Since the early 20th century been a tug of war between BIG PHARMA and the natural world. This was mainly due to the involvement John D Rockefeller and through a contractor he hired, Abraham Flexner, and pushing his agenda through Congress, he singlehandedly changed the trajectory of how we view natural medicines.

Due to the indoctrination of medical professionals involving how much more important pharmaceutical drugs were than their natural counterparts and nutrition. The fact that pharmaceutical companies and government officials have been in bed with each other for generations is not by accident. To brainwash and reprogram people to thinking lab created "medicines" is better for them and their health is truly a feat that is unmeasurable.

We have been through generations brainwashed into thinking traditional remedies are bunk, or they don't hold as much weight or validity as medicines from pharmaceutical companies. Rockefeller made a point, with Flexner's help to get Congress to change many laws that would promote the use of pharmaceutical medicines and start a smear campaign that natural medicine practices and teachings in the universities need to be removed. Well as you can see it has been very successful and continues. This is in part why many times when you see natural remedies suggestions, it is most always backed up with, "there isn't enough research to validate if this remedy works". This putting doubt in our minds of whether we should just use the "remedies" our doctors prescribe. Rockerfeller even went as far as to try to spread this "virus" of misinformation to China, to try to irradiate the use of Traditional Chinese medicines! It was not as successful over there, but to see how far this diabolical man's pursuit to dominate and crush any grassroots homeopathic companies is just plain evil.

I am guilty of this as well, because this knowledge was passed down from my parents. I don't fault them, they were only following what the doctors suggested. Where my parents' generation believed if you had papers or letters behind your name you were an expert and should be listened to. Now don't get me wrong, there are many scholars and medical professionals that have valid information that are helpful in many instances. My issues is more where the medical profession as a whole does not advocate for prevention.

I don't see or hear enough about nutritionists walking the halls of general practitioners facilities or hospitals and if there are it is very limited information. Teaching proper eating habits and the benefits of what foods offer for the blood, and organs of our bodies. Instead we are told if we even mention a natural remedy, that they don't recommend we mix the prescribed medicine with some "unknown" natural herb. Or many times I would read about a natural remedy and even some that were tested, but then the disclaimer, "there isn't enough testing done..." I ask this, why not? The amount of time, energy and money it has taken a company to do human trials using some lab created pill could just as easily be done with an herb, or a root to test. But that would not be prudent on the side of the pharmaceutical companies and why government doesn't promote pushing natural remedies, this cuts into their bottom line. If more people daily learned how there are many comparable natural remedies to the pharmaceutical bandages, this would leave many companies and individuals who have money in stocks and other vested interests a bit short changed.

"Natural and herbal medicines were very popular in America during the early 1900s. Almost one half the medical colleges and doctors in America were practicing holistic medicine, using extensive knowledge from Europe and Native American traditions." Rockefeller knew this would be detrimental to his plans of seeing how lucrative by purchasing a German pharmaceutical company and thus smearing the good name of traditional medicine.

Notice the amount of commercials and ads pushed daily about a new drug or an old one that is new and improved that can "help ease" your pain. Compared to the lack of information shared about using herbs, roots, berries as preventative medicines to protect your body, to heal your body and to strengthen your body. Now I do not say there aren't natural, and I use that term loosely, remedies on grocery stores and online to order. But we must be diligent with our research and understanding that not all products that say "natural" have all natural ingredients. I mean many times if a product has one natural ingredients even two or three, big box companies, then to slap "natural" on the front. I learned this the hard way some years ago, but that's another blog post.

Case in point, the elderberry craze.

The power of the elderberry has been hidden gem in the natural world. When we were in the thick of COVID it surfaced main stream but not without controversy. But soon after more and more brands of elderberry syrup were popping up over night. I will say this, READ INGREDIENTS. All natural products are created equal and many times when big companies create them they are lacking the potency needed to actually make a difference. I have been making elderberry syrup for the last 7 years for my family mostly around cold and flu season and when COVID hit I discovered how truly magical this berry was. Elderberry is definitely a viral inhibitor and in my home it was a great protector during COVID.

Western medicine certainly has its place in the grand design, but we have gotten so dependent and complacent on their "remedies" we take the good with the bad and play Russian Roulette with your health. I think if more of us educated ourselves and shared pertinent information on just how powerful natural remedies are, we could take back our power. Big Pharma would begin to lose its grip on us as a whole. We have believed for so long that need to wait until we are ill then find a remedy instead of being proactive and taking precautions through natural solutions. To drink the herbal teas as part of our regimen, and take our daily dose of elderberry syrup to ward off viral attacks to our systems. When you hear the phrase "build up your immune system", it's not just a slogan, it is truly something we should take to heart. That is the key to alleviating many health issues. Simply put, think of each of your cells as a balloon, when they are fully inflated they have all the vitamins and minerals needed to float effortlessly, but when they begin to deflate they are losing those vital ingredients to keep the body strong and healthy against attacks from invaders. When we don't replenish those balloons daily with vitamin, mineral intake we leave our bodies vulnerable to invaders who are like monsters waiting for a crack in the foundation to slip in and take over.

Nature should never be seen as an "alternative" medicine, it is and always was the the original medicine. If we start thinking that way being more proactive in our health journey I believe we could reverse many of these ailments that have been continuously plaguing us.

Below is my elderberry syrup recipe

Before COVID, I was making this for my family when cold and flu season was near. I even found it helpful for my son's and mom's sinus issues during the Spring weather. Elderberry has anti-inflammatory properties that allow the body to fight off respiratory irritations including coughs and congestion. The key is to take consistently. When you feel illiness setting in take the syrup more than once a day. When you are not ill take as a supplement daily to help build immune system and preventative measures.

Ingredient List

  • 4 cups distilled water

  • 1 cup dried elderberries

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 12 whole cloves (optional)

  • 1/2 cup rosehips (optional)

  • 1/4 cup fresh ginger root

  • 2 cups raw honey

Directions should always be short and to the point.

  1. Pour water, Elderberries, Ginger, Cinnamon in large pot

  2. Heat on medium heat until the mixture starts to boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cover with a lid

  3. Simmer for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until the syrup is reduced by about half.

  4. Add rosehips and cloves if you have them.

  1. Remove from heat and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Pour the syrup through a colander into a glass or ceramic bowl. Use the back of a spoon to press any remaining juices out of the berries. Discard the berries, ginger, cinnamon, rosehips and cloves.

  2. Allow syrup to cool completely before adding honey. Stir in until completely dissolved in syrup.

  3. Pour the completed elderberry syrup into a jar, or bottle add a lid, and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. For longer storage, freeze syrup in ice cube trays and thaw whenever you need them.

How to Take It

Suggested Use: children over 1 year of age can take 1/2—1 teaspoon a day (do not give to children under 1 because the recipe contains honey). Adults can take 1 tablespoon per day as a preventative, and increase to every 1-2 hours if you feel an illness coming on.

These are the amounts that we personally use.

Let us know if you have tried our recipe and if it helps keep your family healthy.


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