After Affects is on a mission to bring more awareness of how vast the natural realm is when it comes to the many natural ingredients we have access to. We want to keep talking to people and pushing the narrative that natural product use should be a way of life not an alternative.
To promote overall health integrity through a simplistic approach to you the customers while working to improve the environment.
After Affects goal is to teach beyond the remedies of conventional healing. To empower you by putting that knowledge at your fingertips by giving you the tools that nature has afforded us through information and practice.

A mom is not an easy job and being a mom making it in the entrepreneurial space is an even bigger challenge. Chaka is working every day to meet those challenges.
By accident, Chaka found herself immersed in the world of natural skincare was due to a need her youngest son's skin was craving. She like many parents, believing what most conventional brands tell you about how their products will take care of all you and your family's needs. This was not the case for her.
Her son's poor little skin had been baby smooth for 10 months and one day she noticed it was feeling patchy and rough after his bath and putting "natural" lotion on. Within 5 minutes of the lotion being applied he went to play on the floor and she noticed the more he rolled and scooting on the floor the more little legs became ashy, with dry patches and scaly areas. His legs looked as if he had been rolling around in chalk.
Taking a closer look at the ingredients on that lotion bottle she realized there were only a couple of natural ingredients in there and they were towards the bottom of the list. The main ingredient was petroleum and mineral oil. She would then learn later that these were not moisturizing ingredients in fact they have the opposite effect on skin.
Chaka knew she was going to have to take matters into her own hands by researching and taking classes on natural ingredients and the benefits they offer not just the skin but the body itself and how it is all connected. She realized many conventional companies that she grew up on were not as honest about their results as they claimed and a-lot of ingredients were not just damaging to the skin but how those ingredients can have detrimental effects to your health.
She became adamant that she would create products for her family, that she wanted to create products that would provide healthy skin integrity that included ingredients with rich vitamins and minerals.
The array of raw butters and oils was seemingly never ending. However she was determined and through months and months of studying the benefits and properties that each one offered, she settled on 3 oils to create a body serum for her baby boy's skin. The miracle of those oils reverted his little tormented skin back to baby smooth, the dry patches were gone, the scaly areas became soft and dewy to the touch once more with lasting protection throughout the day.
The pride Chaka took and still takes in knowing she was able to take a perplexing situation and turn it into a blessing still makes her smile. By educating herself and giving her baby back his healthy skin this has expanded into a natural product line she is proud today. Hoping she inspires others to empower themselves in whatever they chose to tackle in life.
She hopes After Affects continues to bring people joy and relief and creates community as she continues to make products with thought and love.
A Lot of Heart in Every Batch